For the most part, your message, the message you put out is is in the positive.绝大多数情况下,你带给的信息,认同都是大力正面的巴夏:Yes!For the most part, your message, the message you put out is is in the positive.绝大多数情况下,你带给的信息,认同都是大力正面的巴夏:Yes!是的!It's the manual that allows reality to work to your a in a positive way.这些信息是“指导手册”,描写的是:如何运作你的空性,使之带来你正面的助益It's a of how to stay in that state, so that it is in al with who you truly are, rather than in m如何维持在这样的状态,从而与“确实的你”保持一致,而非 偏差背离问:o the people that attend here in person, they get affected not only by the message, but also by the energy of being here.所以,那些亲赴传讯现场的人,他们不仅被这些信息所影响,也被这里的能量所影响巴夏:If they choose to match the frequency, yes!如果他们自由选择与这里的能量调频完全一致的话,那么,是的!问:Can you speak a little bit about the people who are watching this through Ustream throughout the world你能否谈谈那些遍及全球各地,通过现场直播平台Ustream观赏此次传讯的人的?They're watching it, but are not here phys, how...?他们也在观赏,但人却不出这里,这又如何……?巴夏:It doesn't necessarily always matter.否回到现场,不一定总是那么最重要ecause again, they simply have the opportunity to match the frequency of the concepts that we're sharing with you.因为,我再说一遍,他们也有机会 与我们所共享的信息(概念)的频率调频完全一致ecause the concepts themselves have frequencies.因为信息(概念)本身,是有频率的o while they may not l phys be being bathed in the bubble of the electromagnetic field that contains the v.虽然他们的身体有可能没 洗净在现场的电磁场的“能量泡泡”中,也就是包括这些振动的地方There are still electromagnetic fields being created as this is transmitte your technology to them但是,当这些信息,通过你们的科技传输给他们时,这个电磁场依然不会被建构出来ecause remember, they're not hearing the or因为,请求忘记,他们听见的,不是“完整信息”It's translated into electrical an back into acoustic ones for them to hear the words,而是完整信息 再行转换成“电脉冲”,再行转到“声学脉冲”,然后,才有他们听见的话语ut the electromagnetic are still there, and do at least to some carry the marker of those v但是,这个电磁脉冲依然不存在,并且,最少在一定程度上装载了传讯现场的振动的标记ow upon their relat in their belief systems to the idea of physical . Some of them may experience that v more and some may experience it less.而他们信念系统中,他们与“物理距离”的关系,要求了:有些人有可能 经验到的这个振动更加多一点,有些人则有可能 经验到的少一点ut that's all based on their idea of what physical means但这一切都基于他们对“物理距离”的解读For those that might un that physical is an . They will experience the v as if they were here.对于那些明白“物理距离只是个幻相”的人来说,他们体验到的振动,就像他们是在现场一样For those that still have a sense of holding on to the concept of physical as something more remote而对于那些依然指出“物理距离的不存在,就是比较自己较为很远的地方”的人Then they may alter the v to also represent the idea that they are in another physical location他们可能会对“现场振动”做到些改动,从而标识 自己在另外一个物理方位that's not as as the one that you may be exper in our actual presence now那么,他们就会像你们一样 近距离地体验我们现场临在的振动ut that on the person.但这都要看个人问:OK!好!下面这个视频,有可能有助大家的解读《若世界是幻相,那幻相是什么?》巴夏:ecause we have said many times that我们早已多次提及hysical reality is like a mirror.现实世界(空性),看起来一面镜子It's a reflection,是你内心的光线(感应)And in a sense, it's not really that there's anything out there,在某种程度上谈,外面什么也没There really is no physical reality out there外面,并没什么“空性”That's an ,都是“幻相”《金刚经》:凡所有互为,均是虚妄若载于相非互为,即见如来ut it functions like a mirror,世界的起到,就像一面镜子o that you have a feedback mechanism,这样,你就有了一个反馈机制A reflection to let you know“镜子”所光线的影像,让你明白That the reality you are exper is absolutely reflective of你在现实世界中的一切体验,都是你的感应The belief systems, the emotions and the thought patt
erns, the behaviors都是你的信念系统、情绪、思维模式、不道德方式的感应That you have arranged, that the frequencies of those things that you have created in your physical personality,都源自你内在所决定的、所创立的振频o that the outer idea, the outer reality or the appearance of the outer reality所以,外在世界,或者外在表象Act as a gu都可作为一个指示牌Act as a marker作为一个标记Acts as a s作为一个路标For what it is you are choosing to believe is true向你指出:你自由选择坚信什么是现实的ecause what you believe is true is what you're putting out as v,任何你所坚信的,你就是在电磁辐射适当的振频And what you put out as the v而你电磁辐射出有的这些振频is what reflected back to you by the physical reality in any number of symbolic an ways,在现实世界中,不会以一系列象征性的事物光线回去(显化)As we have said,如我们之前说道的hysical reality is very much l like a mirror现实世界(空性),就看起来一面镜子And you know that when you see a reflection in a mirror你也告诉,当你看著镜子中的影像That if you have a frown on your face如果你皱着眉头You know you don't go over to the mirror and try to change the expression on the face of the reflection,你是会踏上前,企图转变镜中的自己的面部表情You know that will never work,你告诉,这么做到不行There's not really anything over there镜子里面什么都没That's not really you out there那个你,也不是知道你That's an , it's a reflection,那只是虚像,是镜面反射构成的影像ut you know that if you change the frown on your face to a smile.你也告诉,如果你仍然皱眉头,而是遮住笑脸You will also know that the reflection will have absolutely no choice but to smile back.那么这个影像将没什么自由选择,必然传话你一个笑脸ut you have to smile first.但你必需再行大笑You cannot wait for the reflection to smile before you do你无法等这个影像再行大笑efore you to be happy.无法等这个影像再行开心起来If you to be happy, the reflection will reflect that back如果你下定决心要喜乐,那么影像也不会表明出有喜乐ut as we have for many, many, many years now talke the idea that我们早已说道了好多好多年:hysical reality is a reflection,现实世界(空性)只是一个感应/光线It seems very that none of you actually asked但很有意思的是,竟然没人问:ashar? What is actually doing the reflecting“巴夏,究竟是什么东西,光线出有这个世界呢?”That's very question“这个问题,有意思!”ecause of there's really nothing out there.因为如果外面知道是“虚空的虚空”What is actually reflecting back these exper to us?那光线给我们的这一切一切体验,究竟是什么呢?That is also a very goo.“这个问题也问得好!”What is reflecting back is your higher mind,光线给你的一切,都是你的低我Your higher mind, in a sense v, creates the effect of你的低我,正处于高频振动状态,可以生产出有泡泡状的能量场效果wrapping or surrounding or encasing or your physical personality, in a bubble of energy,看上去看起来把你这肉身包覆寄居、环绕着寄居,你或许在泡泡中心a frequency, a part frequency that allows the higher mind to actually function as a reflective surface, as a mirror低我的类似的振频,需要生产出有这么一个,类似于镜子的效果The higher min is what is actually reflecting the v of the personality structure back to ,“低我之镜”向你光线的,就是你这不具肉身的振频In order to get the experience you call physical reality这样你才能在现实世界(空性)体验人生An it seem by that part frequency that it is operating on低我的特定的振动y that part s v it is actually operating on也就是低我的标识性振频Makes it seem as if that reflection is actually outside of you,所构成的光线效果,就是:这一切看起来都在你之外When in fact, all of that actually going on your consc,但事实上,这一切都再次发生在你意识之内ut the higher mind, by using, by choosing that part frequency,你的低我,通过自由选择、用于这样特定的振频y being that way通过类似的设计Makes it appear as if creates the in your consc that从而在你的意识中,生产出有这样的幻相Everything is actually being projecte you, holograph